Skype Session.

26th November 2014

AH: Something happened to me today.

Me: Yeah, what is it?

AH: I experienced typhoon.

Me : How is it? really?

AH: Nay, Typhoon is scary but then I was wondering, which is scarier, typhoon or loosing you.

Me: You are too sweet honey! Make sure you put that in your column.



Come back fast! Hope you’re safe anywhere you are.



This is a very interesting conversation between me and few friends weeks ago. In our group, it seems like me, nik, and zati who has nobody (apparently) and me and nik are quite not try to care for not having the special one into our life. For us it is normal, although its not normal for certain people.

We both come to agree that, to find Mr right you will immediately have an instant feeling on it. It’s when you sit on the table, together, and there is sparks between you and that lucky Mr right. That kind of sparks is not easy to find. Several ppl might disagree with this bcz they thought relationship need to work things out blablabla. It just after several disappointment in my love life, I began to understand the difference between, loving someone, liking someone and finding a soulmate.

This conversation gets deeper when Fazreen arrived. For having almost 8 years long distance relationship she began to discuss about luck in relationship and all. What caught my attention is her idea about a soulmate. We both knew that loving someone and to be loved by someone is a big matter but how will you know if he is the right one?? Relationship is a gamble for certain circumstances. Even if you get lucky to love and be loved, it does not mean that he is your soulmate.

Then I began to summarize what a soulmate is all about. Sometimes its not the sparks, connection or the chemistry (no sciences applied here, come on be real).
A soulmate is your reflection. He is your mirror. When you look at him, you see yourself in him. And when you see yourself on that person, you began to understand yourself better. You began to realize your own specialty and flaws through that person. And when this happen, you will automatically fix yourself without even need to be ask to do it. Because you know how not perfect you are and what is need to be perfect for your soulmate. And when you understand this concept, you will appreciate every detail of that person. That’s come the concept of fulfilling your other half that is missing. Your soulmate will add it for you. Adjust it for at the end both of you will be equal.

I just disagree when people said the soulmate is the one who knows you better than your self. Honestly, No one knows you better unless your own self (for god sake, people don’t be too cliche on this!). You have to know your own self before ever think of letting anyone else into your life. Your mix feelings will hurt others deeply at one point later on, so don’t play with fire.

I agree with most of our discussion during that night. Sometime it is true. A soulmate does not necessarily will become your lovers. It may come to the terms of friendship or anything. and as long as you are fully aware and realize of their existence. Your soulmate maybe the one who standing right next to you, but well, as a human, we will always miss to look at certain point.

so my advice. Open your eyes. Open your heart anywhere where it is needed. And love yourself. After all, YOU ARE YOUR OWN SAVIOR.

20140123_152220Photos of my recent trip to Bamboo Island, Krabi Province, Thailand.

p/s: Grammar Nazi alert! Lol my english is not good right now.


Tak diterjemahkan melalui rangkaian perbuatan,
Mungkin kerana aku bukan begitu.

Barangkali hanyaalah perasaan,
Tatkala sunyi menghempas wajaran akal,
Tatkala senandung malam bergema diruang bebola udara,
Yang kedapnya dirasai oleh sang perasaan.

Mungkin bukan aku dijadikan sebegitu,
Dijadikan untuk mempamer dan mewajarkan,
Mungkin rindu aku hanya dalam hati,
Dan berharap setiap hari ianya disampaikan sayup angin,
Melalui doa dan harapan.

dear you.

“Rejection requires only one reason. Love requires complete acceptance. It is hard work – the only kind of work that I find palatable.”

I never get to know, either I already made a good decision or bad decision yesterday. I just hope the best for both of us. 

It’s really hard to choose and by choosing, you’ll never know whether it bring benefit or not to you. But i always believed in God’s decision. He knows the very best of me. and us. 

And whatever it may take, i wanted you to be happy. I am happy for now, by myself. And i hope you could understand. Even this tiny little space in my heart still wants you back -desperately- But I’ll be patient. I am not afraid to see and wait what will happened in the future. as I believe, in God’s decision. No matter how far we’ll be parting, that there is always a way for us to be back on track. As if He is willing too..


Thanks for the gift. I really like it. 🙂  

“Rejection requires only one reason. Love requires complete acceptance. It is hard work – the only kind of work that I find palatable.”


I never get to know, either I already made a good decision or bad decision yesterday. I just hope the best for both of us.

It’s really hard to choose and by choosing, you’ll never know whether it bring benefit or not to you. But i always believed in God’s decision. He knows the very best of me. and us.

And whatever it may take, i wanted you to be happy. I am happy for now, by myself. And i hope you could understand. Even this tiny little space in my heart still wants you back -desperately- But I’ll be patient. I am not afraid to see and wait what will happened in the future. as I believe, in God’s decision. No matter how far we’ll be parting, that there is always a way for us to be back on track. As if He is willing too..

Thanks for the gift. I really like it. 🙂



Simple Plan :’)

Another day without you with me
Its like a blade that cuts right through me
But I can wait, I can wait forever… 

They finally come to Malaysia after almost 6 years.. And of course I’m the most happiest girl on earth. Ok, ini tipu sebab ramai lagi gadis gadis suke Simple plan.

But well, there’s a lot of accusation had been threw on me on liking this band. Lagi tak ley bla, ada orang tweet, Simple Plan is like Justin Bieber in a group. Well pada akulah, dari dok mencarut carut pasal politik kejadah tu, maki maki keluar kata kesat, lebih baik dengar lagu. Some said, Simple Plan is a kids type band. I wonder, do they really listen to their whole album (Simple plan & Get Your Heart On) ? Because if they do.. they wouldnt say this is a kids type of band. But whatever..making judgement is not my thing. I jst wanna shared what happened on this (perhaps) the most glorious day of mine.

So the one who accompany me is none other that concert lovers -Fiffy Armiza. one of my dear friend back in high school. this most glorious day of mine took place at KL Live, right in front of Wisma KFC Jalan Sultan Ismail. So we set time jumpe depan KL Live around 6pm. I’m out from my hostel around 2pm and take a walk to Pavilion, lepak2 minum kopi kat Starbak secawan dua (harap2 bagi energy untuk melompat) tapi kecundang tersakit kepala pulak.

so i walked from Pavilion around 5pm macamtu to the place. Ingatkan Jauh sebab dalam Map macam jauh je, tp actually the walk is only 10/15 minutes. So takde masalah langsung nak jalan. haha…

The Concert Story

  1. this isnt a joke. Kitorang lined up TIGA KALI dan dihalau sebanyak TIGA KALI oleh guard because bawak camera yang berbentuk seperti SLR. oh come on, tak tahu beza ke SLR and Semi Pro beb??? Tiga kali and muka hampir menangis okeh… finally they let us in after we said the camera is in the car already.
  2. Nasib baik time masuk belum Full House sangat, so, nasib baik juga, hanya me n fiffy togther so moved around tak banyak cerita, we tried hard to find the right spot after several attempt of menyelit-nyelit di bawah ketiak orang dan juga meminta maaf kerana cuba memintas. They were LESS THAN 5 METERS away from us.. which is completely, sangat sangat berbaloi all the hard work.
  3. they started late, around 930pm because of the soundcheck.. Sepatutnya pkl 845 macamtu dah start dah. Tp in the middle of the show pun Drum si Chuck tu rosak then in the middle of the song diorg masih fix it.
  4. It’s not cool at all watching and seeing underage school kids drink beer besides you. and their faces of mencuba-cuba tu memang dasyat ok. sangat!
  5. They sing all of their greatest hits and cover several popular song! which is SANGAT2 BERBALOI  lah pergi.
  6. It is good if you were in your small size. macam my friend Fiffy, she cud just sneak into RM258 punye side easily and NEARER!!!!!!
  7. try my best to enjoy the show and recording before the guard (again!) cuit bahu saying , ‘Give me your camera or no camera’ … so have to let go semi pro and used my bro compact HD cam. hahahahahahha still record baik punya ok!

couldn’t asked more after seing Pierre Bouvier LIVEEE ON STAGE and he is just 3-4 meters away is life worth living!

and yes, I love Simple Plan, no matter what you may say!