In less than 2 hours before 2022, who would ever thought that I’d be writing again, after a long hiatus, here in a small room in Oxford. I would still pinch myself over this new reality. Last year is not that fun as I was in middle of recovering myself from a heartbreak. I would say a major one. Well, lots of thing happening in the middle and in between those experiences.

at first, I really thought i’m gonna get married this year, at least before flying to UK. But, there is always lesson learnt about people, relationship, guys and expectation. Breaking a girl heart should never be in your dictionary, especially if you promise a hand of marriage. I never really forgive a person like that, although I didn’t let the hatred grew on me. karma might not hit you directly, but remember that you have sisters or even daughter in the future. It’ll haunt you for the rest of your life so I’ll rest my case.

It was hard on my first 2 months in oxford, not because of settling down or being comfortable, but mostly because of the weather. I have few health issues coming along and it’s not fun. but slowly trying to be cool about the whole thing. Covid restrict every single movement here. I can not really go out and release myself without feeling worry then by the end of the year, I was tested positive.

but the best thing is, I’ve met tons of interesting people. Oxford Phd Students Group such just an eye opening. it directs me towards a new perspective and amazing talent plus friendship. Brookes Students all super talented and nice and caring and loving, and I love to be around them and feel young again. It is so nice to be in your twenties. where there is not much bills to pays or responsibilities to hold.

I’m gonna do my best here as long as I can and create as much memories as I can with as many people as I can. I know that in December 2022, I’ll be busy for my transfer and perhaps time is really not my forte back then, but I will try my best to share everything in this blog again.


Still a long way to reach the top.

N. IRELAND TRIP 2018: Dublin – Belfast – Day 4

Day 4: Travel Itinerary

Dublin – Belfast (17th December 2018)


  • Woke up early again because I ‘m not really good fighting jetlag. What I do know is, I am super full caused by yesterday’s dinner. I’m a bit tipsy too. Demit it was 6am in the morning.
  • My last day in Dublin, I do not know why, I was so sad all of sudden. I was supposed to check out at 11am, but I asked the reception to check out late at 12pm and if I could store my bag at the counter. The best thing about Hostels is, everything is possible. So storage is settled and I’m heading out for a walk again.
  • I decided to have a lovely breakfast at Queen of Tarts, the famous bakery in Dublin. Feeling a bit blue that morning, I ordered Avocado Toast and there is nothing to regret. Being extra fancy to my last Euros because at Belfast, there are using Pound. The food was delicioussss, and I am so wanted to take away the pastry but I have to keep reminding myself, I could not finish it. Demit.

  • After breakfast I walked to Dublinia and Christ Church Cathederal for a photos. Its one of the two oldest churches in Dublin, and this place has great significance for the Gaelic and Anglo countries as a whole. I am to early that day so I don’t think it’s even open yet. But the surrounding is very very beautiful. There was lot of marking at the floor surrounding the castle. I love detailing I think if you follow me though, you will know how I’m crazy about detailing.

Look at the chair.. 

  • Few photos later, I continue my morning strolls heading to St Stephens Green. The park that located in the heart of Dublin. I’m heading there through the alley and the streets of Dublin between the shops, the bar and then Grafton Streets. Found myself another cup of Hot Chocolate when I arrived in front of the park’s entrance gate. It was 930am but already full with people.

  • It’s impossible not to love this place. Full of beautiful trees and wild birds. Great for walking or simply relaxing at any part of the park. Nature has a place to flourish in its small hideaways. I can imagine when springs come. The flowers will fill up all your emotion and colours in this park. I thanked God for that beautiful morning. Beware of the seagulls because they’ll ask your food. Or they’ll just take your food. They took my sandwich anyway.

St Stephens Green Entrance

The park map

Lovely morning


Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset
Taking a break and coffee


  • My next destination is the National Museum of Ireland but unfortunately, It was open at 1pm on Monday. So I just heading towards Oscar Wilde house which now is a private university. There were statue of him, relaxing facing towards his house with thousands of quotes marks on the stone.

I can only took your picture 😦

Random building

National Gallery

Oscar Wilde House

Mr Wilde himself hanging around

uuu.. got your back.

  • Since I have so much time left, I took my time exploring the Luas (tram) system in Dublin, bookstores and having lunch by the window. I am so please looking at people here walking that early Monday morning. Perhaps going to work and making life, While eating my salad.

Look Right! I’m always right


The Spire Dublin

Buy your  Luas Ticket here

Luas Ticket machine

Touch Your Ticket here

General Post Office

Flowers Everywhere



Lunch by the window.

  • Well, still need to grabbed few souvenirs to take back home. In Dublin, you will see Carrolls Souvenir Giftshop almost everywhere.   I have tried my best to find Christmas Market for a cheaper option but I failed. Carrolls is a bit pricey but thousands of option. Napkin, Spoon, Tea, Household stuff, sweater you name it girl! I spent a fortune here, unfortunately :D!
  • At 2pm, I pick up my bag. Yes I was a bit off my schedule but they’re good with it.
  • So, From Dublin, I took a train to Belfast from Connolly Station. I bought the ticket 90 days earlier from Irish Rail , and it cost me €19.90 for a selected seat. You can buy the cheaper one or the VIP Seats. I am good with my seats.
  • Once you have the reservation number, you need to print your own ticket at the ticket machine. Mind you, that you can only do this ONCE. No repeating so enter your reservation number correctly and read thoroughly. The ticket is printed and now you just have to wait for the gate to open. My train is at 3.40pm and depart ON TIME.

Walk up to Conolly Train Station

Print your tickets before you enter.

My ticket

just because I’m THAT Special

  • It took 2.5hours to Belfast and you will be going through the countryside of Ireland. I saw Dundalk and Newry . The view from the window is magnificent and breathtaking. Half of the way is already a night time.

  • I arrived at Belfast Station at 5.30pm. Belfast train station is a bit smaller compared to Connolly Station and waste no time here. It’s already a night time and I have to walk to my hotel. Of course you can op for taxi but let’s talk about saving money here hahaha.
  • And definitely my worst decision ever to walk to my hotel. That night was super super super super cold.. I forgot that Belfast located at the Northern part of Ireland, of course it colder.Plus, I was lost because I took the wrong turns! OMG I was crying while walking because it’s too cold and my bag was too heavy and I’m carrying it all alone. I have never felt so alone but that night, really is something. I can’t believe that I can be so sad and sensitive!

Hotel bed! super comfy. I just need a partner hahahahhahhaa

  • Finally I arrived Premier Inn like an hour later feeling very wet but the receptionist was the nicest lady ever and greeted me with a very warm welcome and all of sudden I felt good and calm. I booked online few month before through the website and my room is ready. There is nothing to complaint about Premier Inn. I’ve got a room facing Belfast city and I was really happy. I went down for some coffee and take my time to rest because the weather is too cold for me to handle. I can’t wait to share you The Games of Thrones Tour, which is on the next day!


Life biggest achievement

I was 63kg back in February 2013. That was the month after I broke up. But fortunately to me, it was the best thing ever. My ex-bf always had the idea of me being skinny until the end of our days together which is at one point is too ridiculous to think of it. Plus, how come a guy who constantly say they love you, but actually not going to love you for who you might become through thick and thin? So ladies, beware of this type of b***s*** because you are much worth than his imagination.

The stressed had encouraged me to start something I wouldn’t be imagining at all. My best friend (Fakhitah) has introduced me to a healthy life routine and she claimed that it would give back my spirit and soul back to normal. I am the type of person who eats whatever I want, before. But truly, you may live once, but remember, you also die once. So the idea of going to the gym or running aggressively never in my list. but she help me through.

I channeled my anger and energy to something healthy. It started with a very simple 10 minutes workout session by youtube. I have to say, it wasn’t easy at all. but your determination is what makes you to keep going. She always remind me “It either you do it now, or you do it at never”. All in my mind that time is to have a good life and body (which is an extra).

But I feel you who are now starting it. Yes it wasn’t easy. But the tips is keep doing it for 3 days and get rest for one day. this is to prevent your body to me lazy again for routine and building up the muscle. and eventually, it will become a habit for the next and continuous month.

The next one is cutting bad carbo. In order to have a healthy life is to have a healthy diet. Cutting carbo is also not easy. From rice to oat? come on, who can take it? I know how it feels to hard but we never know if we never try. I survive for a week dinner with oatmeal and survive until now. Remember that it’s your mind who control your body and not your body controlling your mind. I also managed to cut my favorite cupcakes and all sweet paradise dessert but well, it is ok to have it once a week. but you really need to be discipline. But hey don’t get me wrong, me and Itah still eat our favourite food but we choose the food and the amount wisely. be positive and don’t have to starve yourself just to be thin.

few weeks after liking my new routine, Fakhitah asked me to start running with her. Running is not my thing at all. seriously, but I give it a try. One the first day, she trained me for for only 3 km and I almost collapse. But the feeling after is completely good. So she trained me to run until I manage to run straight for 5 km non stop for almost two month. Babe, the journey is never easy. You can not expect that you can do everything in a short period of time because good thing take a while. Plus, i never had a good timing on running. my 5km took me almost 40 mins to finish. but keep going. Number is not a big issues here. And yes, I am still at my slow pace even right now.

my routine still continue until today. I also do some workout at the gym and go swimming and making sure that i do the cardio workout atleast 4 times per week. Discipline is really important and controlling your mind on what you are about to eat. Plus, it would be great if you registered some running event so you will have something that encourage you to keep on running.

February 2014- my weight now is 52.8 kg. I don’t really fancy the numbers but I know and realized, I have no short breathe to use the stairs at the faculty at all, and you body feels great at anywhere. Fitting your old small jeans is just a bonus. Getting FIT is my biggest achievement :).

and I am way happier than before, I never felt lonely as I always meeting new people,  joinning the running team, randomly workout with neighbour at the gym, talking to strangers at the pool. Its part of life and who can guess it is happening 🙂

So, just Keep on going you all. Don’t take ‘I GIVE UP’ in your dictionary at all.  Remember, your journey will amaze you than the outcome.

20140105_083017Completing 8KM in less than an hour. (Official time 56:94)

20140105_064736My bff, mentor and trainer- Fakhitah

Being Matured? or acting like you’re matured enough ? or just simply you are already matured?


apakah maksud menjadi matang atau seseorang boleh di-consider sebagai matang? (harap maap penggunaan bahasa rojak yang annoying).

Aku tiada jawapan bagi perkara ini, tetapi yang aku pasti sepatinya, apabila umur meningkat, tidak semestinya pemikiran itu semakin matang dan semestinya orang yang muda memang tidak matang. (YA, aku mmg tak boleh terima pendapat ada sebahagian orang yang lebih muda di-consider sebagai matang).  Ini kerana faktor pemikiran yang muda itu tetap muda..maka akan ada sebahgian dari dirinya tidak akan boleh berfikir dengan stabil lagi.

what ever it is, it is a proses of living. And being matured depend on where do you live, while environment jadi number 2. Because where do you live, or where your foot take you to, akan ada different perspektive dan tanggapan yang membuat otak proses berfikir matang/tak matang, komunikasi dua hala dengan orang dsb.

Ya aku melalut lagi. terima kasih.

btw, baru-baru ni aku dapat tahu/saksikan yang disekeliling aku ramai beno yang ‘split personallity’. tak kurang juga orang-gila yang tak sudah sudah mencari pasal.  kenapa ya?

well, some changes need to be force. If you want to change yourself, you just need to force yourself. Umur macam aku 24 tahun, ialah umur yang tak mungkin boleh berubah lagi (kalau ada perangai tak diubah sejak 16 umur tahun).. So, nak berubah takley bagi can atau manjakan diri lagi. KENE PAKSA!


Life so far

Alhamdulillah, but to be honest Im not really statiesfied with my FYP project, I mean I am very confident of my research, it just on  my witting performance. IDK what else to say. I am not american, so ppl can’t expect me to have Excellent High Class English Academic writting. Sekurang-kurangnye sedar diri la kan english tak power mana. Well, spoken language and written language are way different. Unless you’ve got 8 or 9 on IELTS, baru ko layak nak kutuk english org, kalau tak..sila sedar diri.

Enough on that, I’m so proud with my work and attitude so far. Tak sabar nak sambung belajar. Heriot-Watt are calling long way from Edinburgh. To be honest, takdelah fikir sgt psl ni, since aku rasa tak elok  terkejar kejar nak sambung belajar. Jika ada luck and rezeki, InsyaAllah tak kemana impian tu. dah cuba kan. Ini ialah permulaan. Ni juga semangat utk rakan rakan lain diluar sana k. Ilmu tu tiada batasan, yang penting kerana Allah, bukan kerana nama, atau nak belagak. So tak kiralah sekarang ke, tahun depan ke, lepas kawen ke or dah tua ke..  Setiap hari kita belajar ilmu baru – Ferdzani Jaar.  Just appreciate the time left, and every moment.

p/s : silence doesn’t mean a person is  weak as you think he/she is.

p/s/t : You left during my lowest period of time. and if you think I will happy, you’re probably right and probably wrong. There is no suitable answer for that

thankiu for reading this. 🙂

antara impian dan peluang.

Ini bukan post merungut@whining post / post meratapi nasib.. tetapi post untuk sama-sama sedar dan belajar.

I was a bit jealous seing many of my Puterian friends photo, maksudnya, photo kat over-the sea sanalah. Tak dilupa juga hampir separuh cousins yang mmg disana sekarang ni.

In my life, terus terang bgtaw, I planned a lot of thing. Because I am a person who plan and I can’t live without planning and trying to achieve it. Even dari kecik, mmg dlm hati, mesti nk belajar kat oversea. waktu tengah gile nak jadi Veterinar dulu, siap dah cari University kat Ireland for veterina ni [dan Westlife juga menjadi pendorong utama mehehhe]. People say I am too ambitious, but without small ambition, where do we go kan? I don’t really bother even ppl say, jgn merancang nanti tak jadi la apelah. It just people perception and I never got to believe it.

and byk benda sebenarnya aku dah rancang dan memang hampir kesemuanya akan berlainan arah tuju. masa diploma dulu, everything dah settle.. and I was completely upset with the whole thing bile almost everything dah sacrifice, time and money, tapi hancur cita citaku kali yang keberapa tah. memang betul, graduating from local university is still ok, but for me the value of an experience tu adalah segala-galanya. Aku bercita cita kesana bukanlah sebab nk berlagak or what, [well my family pun bukanlah mampu sgt nak support belajar sendiri] but the art of survival, the art of finding which course you want, the art of talking to the people who could help..it’s all sebenarnya mnjadi skill yang org tak tahu and hanya dapat rasa. Serious, aku apply semua benda ni sorang sorang, xde bantuan sesiapa pun bcz I’m not that lucky or rich to hire an agent untuk semua ni. Satu satu click. memang seriesly mcm nak nangis je, click satu satu Uni, setiap uni, baca cara nak apply, requirement dgn english mereka yang terlalu power utk level aku tapi digagahi juga, demi cita cita..

it is not an easy path.

Walaupun tak jadi continue degree disana, I still keep telling myself, ‘It’s ok syiqah, chances is everywhere.. sooner or later’. Untuk cure hati yang hancur ni bukan senang ye. Seyes aku ckp..aku mmg sgt2 kecewa masa ni. Walaupun Tak tergambar dengan wajah..tp kekusutan hati. Even angah ngn alang pujuk and pujuk pun, aku hanya berbekalkan kepercayaan akan ada masa aku nanti.

aku dah start cari and plan [seperti biasalah] utk posting postgrad pulak since first sem 4th year. Aku rasa dlm ramai-ramai bdk kelas, akulah yang paling awal buat bende ni. walaupun pointer merundum jatuh [yang memungkinkan tak dapat scholarship] aku takleh bagi minda aku jatuh lagi.. aku selalu ckp, aku tak boleh rasa down dgn apa yang jadi.. sebab cita cita aku lebih berharga dari ape pun jadi. then aku suke sbb ramai kawan-kawan kelas pun turut serta bercita cita macam aku. so I could talk and share about this. Bcz aku jalan sorang2 selama ni, gagal pun sorang2.. tanya pun sorang-sorang  kat lecturer2 yang dulu pernah apply. sekarang ada kawan-kawan..

dan apabila semua hampir selesai.. aku dioffer oleh suatu perkara yang mmg tidak bisa ku tolak. dan sekali lagi, cita citaku seperti terkubur disitu sahaja. Aku sedih sebenarnya..org tak tahu. Memang ye, rezeki dah diberi depan mata, dengan jalan yang paling mudah Allah bagi kat aku, utk sambung belajar.. Yang baca ni jgn salah faham, series aku 1000x sgt bersyukur..sbb ini yang aku nak sebenarnya, walaupun bukan di tempat yang aku mahu. Aku just sedih sebb aku mmg sgt bersungguh-sungguh buat, cari and apply benda ni.. redah hujan g EduFair sorang sorang, mesti bukan itu akhirannya.  Tetapi setiap langkah itu adalah pengalaman bgi aku, panat jerih tu semua, kemudian Allah dah bagi jalan paling mudah untuk aku tempuh sekarang dan Alhamdulillah sampai sekarang aku tak pernah berhenti rasa bersyukur dengan offer itu.

Ramai rakan dalam kelas aku, bercita cita nak sambung belajar tetapi kerana desakkan family, kesempitan hidup dan tanggungjawab, semua terpaksa tolak..

ada juga jenis orang yang dah diberi pinjaman, diberi loan belajar dan dihantar belajar, tetapi jiwa.. tak meletak sepenuh jiwa dlm pelajaran bila terlalu byk hal dunia untuk diuruskan..

ada jenis orang yang ada parents kaya, parents hantar belajar oversea lagi, tetapi hancur tenggelam di dalam dunia mereka..

bagi rakan-rakan aku yg bercita cita sambung belajar tetapi tidak dapat menunaikan cita cita mereka, It is ok. Jangan risau.. kalau semua org tak sokong kau, aku sokong kau dgn sedaya upaya aku sebagai kawan. dan  Allah ada jalan lebih baik untuk kamu.  Ini bukan jawapan selamat, tapi ini adalah apa yang kita percaya tentang qada & qadar. Macam aku, walaupun lain yang aku nak, lain yang aku dapat dan yang lain itu adalah lebih baik dari yang aku nak.. kamu faham? yang penting letak jiwa cari ilmu, bukan cari ilmu sbb nak attention and nak popular.. Jiwa mesti untuk ilmu Allah, barulah semuanya diredhai dan dipermudahkan. walaupun berapa byk plan hidup yang kau buat dan semua tak jadi kenyataan, It is OK. don’t worry.. percaya dan percaya.

dan aku jenis orang yang percaya, selagi kita ada cita cita, kita adalah org yang berjaya, sebab kita akan berusaha mencapai cita cita tu.  :)) InsyaAllah

p/s : perihal ‘jgn merancang nanti tak jadi’  tu semua auta dan hasutan je.  bg aku, seolah oleh bercakap mcm kita takda agama.